Saturday, February 21, 2009

Buying a straight Put Option is the best strategy as the Implied

Buying a straight Put Option is the best strategy as the Implied
Volatility is usually relatively low and since it is very short term, time
decay is not going to affect much. As this is going to be a short play
and the maximum holding period is two weeks and the target is about
50% to 100% profit on the put options.

Bearish Reversal candlesticks are found almost every time when you
look at a chart. Remember what goes up must come down, even the
most bullish in the world. They can also be seen repeating quite
frequently in the same chart. All you have to do is to be observant
enough to spot them early. Trading them with Put options can be very

profitable. Remember not to be greedy, get out at the first exit signal.
Money in your pocket is always better than in the markets.
It Pays To Be Contrary.

“As a general rule, it is foolish to do just what other people are
doing, because there are almost sure to be too many people
doing the same thing” -William Stanley Jeons

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