Thursday, February 26, 2009

A commitment to something

A commitment to something, a sense of stability: Home ownership is an anchor, something that cannot be pulled out from under you. You’ll never get a notice that you have to move. You’re kids will never have to change schools. It gives you freedom to plan years ahead.

You’ve Made The Right Decision

You’ve Made The Right Decision
Congratulations on making the decision to invest in your future. Whether this is your first home or you are an experienced investor, you are sure to find this an exciting experience. Even with the many transactions I have been involved in, I never seem to get over the wonderful feeling of handing a buyer the keys to their new home.
There are many different reasons to invest in a new home:
A greater sense of belonging to the community: Once you own a home, you feel more attached to the city in which you live. You’re more interested in what happens in town, to the roads, schools, and shopping areas. Some people even become involved in local politics, which you seldom see a renter do.

I trust that you will find this book educational,

I trust that you will find this book educational, informative and maybe even a little humorous at times. I have included some stories of what I have seen and experienced working with many buyers and sellers just like you. I know that my knowledge and experience will help you make a wise decision where, you can see yourself sometime in the future looking back on today knowing that this was the day that changed your life for the better.

I will preface this by saying

I will preface this by saying that I practice real estate full time in Southern California. Some things that you read here may not pertain to you in your part of the world, but most of it will.
For the purpose of this book, the term “house” is interchangeable with “condominium” and “townhouse.” We will discuss the differences between the three later.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Matt: Why haven't I heard about the virtual assistant field before

Matt: Why haven't I heard about the virtual assistant field before?
Dennis: The virtual assistant field has been around for a long time. We just didn't use the word "virtual." The "virtual" field was first developed when the internet exploded and became more widely accepted. Since the internet has not been the mainstream tool utilized by businesses (except within the past 5-10 years), many law firms have not embraced the idea. Instead, some of them are still in the "learning stage" of how to send and receive email or need to be trained in converting documents to PDF for electronic filings. Normally, experienced virtual assistants have been performing these tasks for years.

The average virtual assistant prefers working from home
so they can spend more time with their family and less time
commuting to and from an office. This makes the field attractive
for thousands of professionally skilled women and men who
provide high quality services to their attorney clients every day.

. There wano

7. There wano additional office equipment to buy or maintain. This is a big savings for businesss es who utilize virtual assistants. Also, virtual assistants are responsible for the expense of their equipment failure or software upgrades so the business owner never has to worry about these overhead costs.

I converted the mother-in-law suite at my home into an office, hired three virtual assistants and operate my entire bankruptcy and divorce law practice from my home. I immediately saved $3,500 per month in overhead costs.

Matt had been patiently sitting back and listening to Dennis tell his story. But at this point he was so full of questions he was about to burst. Matt interrupted Dennis and said "Wow! This all sounds unbelievable. So tell me Dennis, 'what's the catch?'" What follows is the rest of their conversation:

There was no additional investment for phone systems.

There was no additional investment for phone systems. Virtual assistants already have their own phone, fax and cell phones. For business owners

Virtual assistants often have obtained a higher level of education before starting their businesses. This provides attorneys with highly educated assistants at a lower cost compared to hiring an onsite paralegal with a college degree.

wanting to have an exclusive telephone line where the virtual assistant answered the phone with the business owner's company name — a second cell phone or telephone line was installed at the virtual assistant's office. This way, the virtual assistant knew that when this particular phone rang, they were to answer it something like: "Brown, Jones and Campbell (or whatever)." But for some smaller companies who simply forwarded their company phones to the virtual assistant, the virtual assistant answered the phone with a greeting like: "Hello, this is Beth. May I help you?" This generic greeting worked well for some business owners and no additional expense of a second cell phone or telephone line was necessary.

Monday, February 23, 2009

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

written by

by the Chapter 13s helped Matt to keep enough
income coming into the law firm to pay the fixed
expenses during the slower months when the income
from the Chapter 7s was reduced.

Matt also found that the Chapter 13s helped to

Matt also found that the Chapter 13s helped to
keep the income balanced. From November to March,
he discovered that fewer people file no-asset Chapter
7 bankruptcy. The steady monthly income generated

Most virtual assistants have many years of experience,
and love what they do. The only difference is that virtual
assistants work from home instead of in your office.

One day Matt sat down to put together some

One day Matt sat down to put together some
statistical information about the demographics of his
client base. He wanted to get a handle on where his
law firm was presently at so he could make decisions
for future growth. He discovered that seventy-five
percent (75%) of his client base were Chapter 7's and
twenty-five percent (25%) were Chapter 13s. Matt
liked this mix and it was working well for him. The
Chapter 7s went through the court system relatively
fast so Matt's law firm earned the bulk of its income
from "volume."