Sunday, February 8, 2009

Carefully "sperm killers" everywhere

Carefully "sperm killers" everywhere 

  Men's Health 

In recent years, medical research found that 10% ~ 30% of infertility is caused by drugs. 
"Killer" on the 1st: antiulcer drugs 
Fenpropathrin microphone piperidyl, Tagamet and other anti-ulcer drug, suppresses both male and female sexual desire, can be caused by men and women and male impotence. 
"Killer" on the 2nd: antibiotic family 
Erythromycin, spiramycin, etc. Midecamycin macrocyclic antibiotics with lipids, the organic cause testicular cells to split the frequency reduced by anti-sperm, killing, survival significantly decreased sperm motility. 
Large-scale use of gentamicin can man sperm cells disrupted mitosis, spermatogenic cells within the lower DNA concentrations, resulting in spermatogenic stop. 
Tetracycline, newborn Nikkomycin, furan drugs and so on, have poisoned the role of gonad. 
"Killer" on the 3rd sleeping pills 
Dozens of sleeping pills are inhibited sexual desire, or even loss of sexual desire, and will enable the generation of men to reduce testosterone, erectile difficulties, not ejaculation and female menstrual disorder or amenorrhea. 
"Killer" on the 4th of antihypertensive drugs 
Compound hypotensive tablet, reserpine, methyldopa, buck-ling and other antihypertensive agents may affect erectile function, causing decreased libido, impotence, non-ejaculation, irregular menstruation. 
Other "killer" 
1, amitriptyline hydrochloride, hydrochloric acid fluorophenyl antidepressants, such as oxygen propylamine, men and women have sexual harm. 
2, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, colchicine, such as semen can be caused by reduction in the lack of sperm motility decreased, such as testicular atrophy, menstrual disorders of women can be addressed, not ovulation, amenorrhea, etc.. 
3, antisterone, thyroid agents, such as loss of libido can be caused by, irregular menstruation, ovulation and endocrine abnormalities, such as barriers. 
4, Chlordiazepoxide, atropine can cause impotence, such as commonly used. 
In addition, alcohol will make the blood level of testosterone, and make the egg, sperm damage, deformity and reduced dysplasia, activity has declined. Long-term alcohol consumption can also be caused by impotence, ejaculation, etc. do not. Therefore, regular use of wine can be caused by infertility.

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