Sunday, February 8, 2009

Easily lead to guard against infertility sleeping position

Easily lead to guard against infertility sleeping position 

  Male infertility 

Have a lot of male friends like sleep. Prone sleep this way not only easy to oppression viscera, the respiratory impeded, on the reproductive system also has some influence. Especially for young people, more dangerous. 
First of all, the long-term oppression of the scrotum will sleep and stimulate the penis, causing frequent emission easier. Frequent emission will lead to dizziness, back pain, fatigue weakness, lack of concentration, serious, then it will also affect the normal work and life. Young people have been stimulated on the penis is sensitive, not to take this sleeping position. Also, the frequent emission should also beware of this sleeping position increase the disease. 
In addition, the scrotum is a Man "small refrigerator." It needs to maintain a constant temperature, is conducive to the generation of sperm. scrotal temperature will sleep, not easy to timely heat, so the growth of the sperm also have some influence. Fertility of young people not yet in particular to be careful. 
What kind of sleeping position to take relatively good? Generally speaking, the principle is not oppression of internal organs and is conducive to rest. Recommends men take supine sleeping position or the right place, so neither seminal oppression, nor oppressed heart (the left bit will oppress the heart), the best on the body. 
Related: male infertility four errors in life and coping 
A prerequisite for a healthy baby, must be the health of sperm and egg crystallization. However, work stress, environmental pollution and sexually transmitted diseases and other factors lead to the ability of men were planting a downward trend year by year. In recognition of the errors, as well as the living habits of male infertility is caused by completely avoidable and preventable. 
Misunderstanding 1: having children is a woman thing, fertility should not let his wife see a doctor now! Check semen examination is too cumbersome. 
In regard to women having children by taking on more responsibilities, but can not be separated from birth, "with men and women." As the male testis is the body most vulnerable to the external environment factors organs, male compatriots therefore more necessary to strengthen self-prevention. Sowing the ability of men and women of the inspection method to check fertility compared to sperm for a check-check is very convenient. 
Coping strategies: infertile couples, every man has responsibility. Her husband should first check to go to the hospital consultation. 
Misunderstanding 2: sauna, clean and in addition to hypoxia.
Fear testicular temperature, and often at a temperature higher living and working environment can inhibit sperm production. For example, regular sauna, wearing tight pants, long-term use of electric blanket, cooks, iron-smelting workers, such as the summer open-air operating temperature of environmental factors on male ability to exert a great influence planting. 
Coping strategies: to remove the adverse environment of high temperature, etc., not to deliberately create high-temperature factors. 
Three errors: "After dinner cigarette, increasingly living gods." Man smoking a significant side character. 
Harmful ingredients in tobacco can enter the blood circulation through the reproductive system, either directly or indirectly toxic effects occurred. Alignment father is concerned, smoking will not only affect the success rate of conception, and will seriously affect the quality of eggs and embryos. In addition, large numbers of long-term smokers more prone to sexual dysfunction, but also indirectly reduced fertility. Hazards of passive smoking are even more.
Coping strategies: for the next generation, not a "living gods." If the ban on smoking on people is just a call, then prepare couples want to have children, it is an order. 
Misunderstanding Four: absolutely avoid using computers and other electrical appliances, to eliminate environmental pollution. 
Most of the electromagnetic radiation from household appliances are safe. As long as the rational use of household appliances, their impact on reproductive health is very small. 
Environmental pollution is a significant drop in sperm quality, one of the culprit. Only hurt the majority of pollution on the human body through the long-term continuous exposure to various harmful factors, coupled with the accumulation of physical reasons, in order to attack them. Everyone has a resistance, it is necessary to attach importance to it, do not need to worry too much. 
Coping strategies: Differentiation awareness to minimize and prevent pollution but do not over-worried.

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