Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Matt: Why haven't I heard about the virtual assistant field before

Matt: Why haven't I heard about the virtual assistant field before?
Dennis: The virtual assistant field has been around for a long time. We just didn't use the word "virtual." The "virtual" field was first developed when the internet exploded and became more widely accepted. Since the internet has not been the mainstream tool utilized by businesses (except within the past 5-10 years), many law firms have not embraced the idea. Instead, some of them are still in the "learning stage" of how to send and receive email or need to be trained in converting documents to PDF for electronic filings. Normally, experienced virtual assistants have been performing these tasks for years.

The average virtual assistant prefers working from home
so they can spend more time with their family and less time
commuting to and from an office. This makes the field attractive
for thousands of professionally skilled women and men who
provide high quality services to their attorney clients every day.

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