Thursday, February 26, 2009

A commitment to something

A commitment to something, a sense of stability: Home ownership is an anchor, something that cannot be pulled out from under you. You’ll never get a notice that you have to move. You’re kids will never have to change schools. It gives you freedom to plan years ahead.

You’ve Made The Right Decision

You’ve Made The Right Decision
Congratulations on making the decision to invest in your future. Whether this is your first home or you are an experienced investor, you are sure to find this an exciting experience. Even with the many transactions I have been involved in, I never seem to get over the wonderful feeling of handing a buyer the keys to their new home.
There are many different reasons to invest in a new home:
A greater sense of belonging to the community: Once you own a home, you feel more attached to the city in which you live. You’re more interested in what happens in town, to the roads, schools, and shopping areas. Some people even become involved in local politics, which you seldom see a renter do.

I trust that you will find this book educational,

I trust that you will find this book educational, informative and maybe even a little humorous at times. I have included some stories of what I have seen and experienced working with many buyers and sellers just like you. I know that my knowledge and experience will help you make a wise decision where, you can see yourself sometime in the future looking back on today knowing that this was the day that changed your life for the better.

I will preface this by saying

I will preface this by saying that I practice real estate full time in Southern California. Some things that you read here may not pertain to you in your part of the world, but most of it will.
For the purpose of this book, the term “house” is interchangeable with “condominium” and “townhouse.” We will discuss the differences between the three later.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Matt: Why haven't I heard about the virtual assistant field before

Matt: Why haven't I heard about the virtual assistant field before?
Dennis: The virtual assistant field has been around for a long time. We just didn't use the word "virtual." The "virtual" field was first developed when the internet exploded and became more widely accepted. Since the internet has not been the mainstream tool utilized by businesses (except within the past 5-10 years), many law firms have not embraced the idea. Instead, some of them are still in the "learning stage" of how to send and receive email or need to be trained in converting documents to PDF for electronic filings. Normally, experienced virtual assistants have been performing these tasks for years.

The average virtual assistant prefers working from home
so they can spend more time with their family and less time
commuting to and from an office. This makes the field attractive
for thousands of professionally skilled women and men who
provide high quality services to their attorney clients every day.

. There wano

7. There wano additional office equipment to buy or maintain. This is a big savings for businesss es who utilize virtual assistants. Also, virtual assistants are responsible for the expense of their equipment failure or software upgrades so the business owner never has to worry about these overhead costs.

I converted the mother-in-law suite at my home into an office, hired three virtual assistants and operate my entire bankruptcy and divorce law practice from my home. I immediately saved $3,500 per month in overhead costs.

Matt had been patiently sitting back and listening to Dennis tell his story. But at this point he was so full of questions he was about to burst. Matt interrupted Dennis and said "Wow! This all sounds unbelievable. So tell me Dennis, 'what's the catch?'" What follows is the rest of their conversation:

There was no additional investment for phone systems.

There was no additional investment for phone systems. Virtual assistants already have their own phone, fax and cell phones. For business owners

Virtual assistants often have obtained a higher level of education before starting their businesses. This provides attorneys with highly educated assistants at a lower cost compared to hiring an onsite paralegal with a college degree.

wanting to have an exclusive telephone line where the virtual assistant answered the phone with the business owner's company name — a second cell phone or telephone line was installed at the virtual assistant's office. This way, the virtual assistant knew that when this particular phone rang, they were to answer it something like: "Brown, Jones and Campbell (or whatever)." But for some smaller companies who simply forwarded their company phones to the virtual assistant, the virtual assistant answered the phone with a greeting like: "Hello, this is Beth. May I help you?" This generic greeting worked well for some business owners and no additional expense of a second cell phone or telephone line was necessary.

Monday, February 23, 2009

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

written by

by the Chapter 13s helped Matt to keep enough
income coming into the law firm to pay the fixed
expenses during the slower months when the income
from the Chapter 7s was reduced.

Matt also found that the Chapter 13s helped to

Matt also found that the Chapter 13s helped to
keep the income balanced. From November to March,
he discovered that fewer people file no-asset Chapter
7 bankruptcy. The steady monthly income generated

Most virtual assistants have many years of experience,
and love what they do. The only difference is that virtual
assistants work from home instead of in your office.

One day Matt sat down to put together some

One day Matt sat down to put together some
statistical information about the demographics of his
client base. He wanted to get a handle on where his
law firm was presently at so he could make decisions
for future growth. He discovered that seventy-five
percent (75%) of his client base were Chapter 7's and
twenty-five percent (25%) were Chapter 13s. Matt
liked this mix and it was working well for him. The
Chapter 7s went through the court system relatively
fast so Matt's law firm earned the bulk of its income
from "volume."

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Section 3

Section 3

Bearish Reversal System Case Studies

This is the system that I played most, the holding period is shorter and
the profits are quicker. However, since the returns are greater and so
are the risks because it involved the purchase of a straight put which
is exposed to Time Decay and the Implied Volatility of the option.
You must enforce strict risk management rules to protect and to
preserve your capital as top priority.

I have been using and have taught my students to use conditional
orders to minimize trading emotions and not to miss out on any
trading opportunities that are available.

Conditional orders reduces emotional trading

A conditional order is a type of order that will be submitted or canceled
if set criteria are met, which are set by the trader before entering the
order. There is no doubt that emotions can be your worst enemy when
you trade. Conditional order can help to reduce stress and emotions
while trading.

Buying a straight Put Option is the best strategy as the Implied

Buying a straight Put Option is the best strategy as the Implied
Volatility is usually relatively low and since it is very short term, time
decay is not going to affect much. As this is going to be a short play
and the maximum holding period is two weeks and the target is about
50% to 100% profit on the put options.

Bearish Reversal candlesticks are found almost every time when you
look at a chart. Remember what goes up must come down, even the
most bullish in the world. They can also be seen repeating quite
frequently in the same chart. All you have to do is to be observant
enough to spot them early. Trading them with Put options can be very

profitable. Remember not to be greedy, get out at the first exit signal.
Money in your pocket is always better than in the markets.
It Pays To Be Contrary.

“As a general rule, it is foolish to do just what other people are
doing, because there are almost sure to be too many people
doing the same thing” -William Stanley Jeons

Wait for the entry signal

Wait for the entry signal

When the price is 0.10 below the low of the reversal candlestick bar, it
is your entry signal. Remember, you are not making the entry
decision, the stock is making it for you and all you need to do is to act
on it. If the price does not drop but goes up instead, it will be a “no
go”. This is supposed to be mechanical and no emotions are involved.
Use a conditional order to automate the trigger to purchase so you
don’t have to wait all night. (Malaysia and Singapore trading hours, 12
to 13 hrs difference)

The Put option strategy

AMGEN INC. has been spotted a reversal candlestick bar formation and
has fulfilled all the conditions as stated earlier. The stock price is 0.10
below the low of the reversal candlestick bar and you are ready to

Mean Recommendation

6. Mean Recommendation -Moderate Buy to Strong Buy.
Setting up for the play

Once a reversal candlestick is being spotted and the conditions are
also fulfilled, you will need to do is to wait for the entry signal. It may
be the next day or two to three days later, the moment you see the
price is below the low of the reversal candlestick bar. It is your entry
signal for this reversal system play.
Below is the illustration for qualifying and the entry to buy.

AMGEN INC, reversal candlestick chart.

When the stock underperforms.

1. When the stock underperforms.
2. When the company or the management underperforms.
3. Any negative news related to the company or management or
products or even the same related industry itself.
4. Analyst Downgrade, you only need one analyst to make that
Short listing of reversal stocks

The selection of stocks is important step and must fulfill certain criteria
before we even consider trading the stock. Strict rules of enforcement
must be of top priority in achieving a high probability trade.

1. There must be a significant decrease in the stock’s price during
the last trading day – this will form a bearish candlestick in the
2. The Market Capitalization of the stock should be above
50,000,000 – this indicates the liquidity of the stock.
3. The Last Volume traded should be above 1,000,000 – this
indicates the demand of the stock.
4. The Rating of the stock should be high – this indicates the high
Analysts expectation of the stock.
5. Last closing price must be above US$20.00 – sufficient amount
for it to drop.

Amgen Inc. high analyst ratings

Amgen Inc. high analyst ratings

Going against the crowd

When riding a trend, you are asked to follow the crowd. Now you are
to go against them. By looking at Amgen Inc, you can analyze the
logic for going against them. Understanding the mechanics before
placing your money on the table is going to prepare you from making
unnecessary mistakes and be observant as which stock you should
choose to trade.

High Stock Ratings and High Analyst Rating

Investors will naturally have high expatiations on the particular stock
or company. The stock price will start to tumble down under the
following conditions:

The art of contrary thinking

The art of contrary thinking

Sometimes it pays to be contrary. That is thinking differently from the
investing crowd. When the crowd thinks the stock is bullish usually not
many will pay attention to the Put Options and therefore it is usually
cheap at least before everyone starts to buy Puts to hedge against
their stock. Identifying the bearish reversal signal early is of utmost
importance as stocks go down faster. “The Bull climbs the stairs but
the Bear usually jumps off the window”.

Amgen Inc. high stock ratings

Friday, February 20, 2009


Make a half pint of tomato sauce, toast a sufficient quantity of
bread, butter the bread and put on each slice a poached egg; cover
with the tomato sauce.


Toast slices of bread, put thin slices of chicken on each, on top of
this a poached egg, cover with sauce Bernaise, and serve at once.

Mince sufficient cold chicken to make a half cupful. Make a half pint
of cream sauce, add the minced chicken, a half teaspoonful of salt and
a dash of red pepper. Toast a sufficient quantity of bread, put it on
a heated platter, pour over a small quantity of the minced chicken and
cream sauce, put on each a poached egg, cover with the remaining
sauce, dust with parsley and serve with a garnish of green peas.


Cover rounds of toasted bread first with butter and then with anchovy
paste, put on top of each a poached egg, pour over anchovy sauce, and
send at once to the table.


Cut a sufficient number of rounds of bread, toast them carefully and
cover them with _pate de foie gras_, put on top of each a poached egg,
pour over sauce Perigueux, and send to the table.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Woman, Why affair?

Woman, Why affair? 

Love at home, marriage, love 

In today's society people pleasure as a lover of bad people words, men will find lovers, women will also affair, what was the reason to allow a woman husband and children want to have their lovers do? 
     First of all, any woman can not be separated from men's care, such care is not sexual, but rather psychological. If a woman marriage, unfortunately, often quarrels with her husband, she will seek the support of another man, a kind of spiritual support and comfort. She cried to the man to seek his understanding and sympathy, or just want to cause him concern, that. At the same time, each woman was someone else like love, like to listen to sweet talk a Man, Men want to be the center of attention, this is a woman's nature, regardless of their age. 
     Secondly, women seeking extramarital affairs, not just want to get sexual satisfaction, they are feeling in the search for love, the search for romance, seek to blend soul, seeking communicate and seek dating former sweet heart waiting and excited, as well as other wonderful feelings. As long as he likes with the people together, to Spend a romantic time, his love in every possible way, in front of him feel that they are charming, there is a charm, which you, you will not leave him, because he gave you need most for a woman, the most important thing - the feeling that he makes you feel there is value. You should be aware that single women's hearts are restless, and she may say that they do not need to cheer Strong Man, but this is simply a lie. Psychological every woman will understand that they need a man's concern, therefore, once the emergence of such a Man, a woman can not be separated from him then, even if he is not a qualified lover, if the near future will not be any other goals, she would have been working with the lovers together. 
     Third, the lovers are looking for a woman for causing her husband's attention to the restoration of ownership between them have the kind of intimate relationships. When her husband had become indifferent and apathetic, his wife's feelings are not aware of any changes, do not see changes in her hairstyle, and even his wife for him is the home of an item, when the wife prone to extramarital affairs. Although his wife does not communicate with her husband, but she believes that change will cause her husband's attention, and ultimately to make him understand that she is a woman, she was still young, he needs her husband's concern. Some women can not help but to imply that a Man, she still preferred men, do not have to ignore her husband. Some extreme hot-tempered woman, and they heated quarrel with her husband in the so-called lovers of their own, he loves her, all her husband's indifference and ignorance, he should swallow the bitter fruit of their own. 
     Fourth, women are lovers looking for revenge for betraying her husband. A woman has just learned that her husband betrayed her, she will be furious anomaly, in which case, she could hardly compete with other men to establish close relations. However, if the relationship between husband and lover solid, does not want to change their mind at this time, the wife will think slowly heal trauma medicine is looking for a new love. His wife may not be for lovers looking for love, but only want to revenge her husband, let him sad, seemed to be his wife told her husband: "You Merry outside romantic, I was sad, however, and now, I also let you taste it tastes, also allows you to eat jealous. "Some women are looking for a lover after that score is even with her husband are the two-ching, and mental balance. 
      Fifth: the sexual life of women extremely disappointed also hope to find a lover. She want to: "The world certainly has a real man, perhaps, fortunate that I can encounter such a person." Sexual life can not be met the woman will think that she is only a temporary, not luck, good luck, once the advent of will be at the peak of happiness. Therefore, they are full of confidence, perseverance, and constantly search their own share of happiness. At the same time, with the lovers together, women can get a feel otherwise. 
     However, some women have a lover on her husband after more caring, more thoughtful, because of a sense of guilt so that they think this way to make up their own mistakes. Or in extra-marital romantic stimulation, not her husband know, does not affect the stability of two families, which Mody, women will be gladly accepted. In contrast, extra-marital affairs by her husband, once detected, the impact of husband-wife relationship, women will generally flatly refuse and continue to travel lovers.

Elder elderly eye of five self-care law

Elder elderly eye of five self-care law 

Health care for the elderly physical health and longevity 

If in our daily lives a little action can make at home How I Met Your Mother's eyes are becoming clearer, brighter, but also to reduce the ocular lesions may occur. In that case, why not do it? Here let us learn it as soon as possible: 

Eye wash in cold water every morning when the eyes of immersion in water 1 to 2 minutes, then scrub around the face and eye muscles, after finished the eyes with both hands gently knead 20 to 40 times. 
Often one can make use of the blink of an eye closure of the blink of an eye opening one way to inspire ophthalmoplegia, eyes closed, some slightly longer residence time when, at the same time with both hands eyelid in order to increase the eye's moisture. 
Fomentation eye every night, with 40 ~ 50 ℃ of temperature and humidity Shikishima towel covering part of the forehead and eyes, about 3 ~ 5 minutes Fomentation. 
Eat a reasonable diet with vitamins, protein food, such as lean meat, fish, eggs, milk, fresh fruits, vegetables, black beans and black sesame. 
Massage the eyes of two fingers curved transverse rubbing from the inside corner to outside corner, then cross-rubbing from the outside corner to inside corner of the eye, moderate strength, Wang knead 100 ~ 150 times, and then eat your fingertips temple by double-side 72 times. Daily morning, evening all to do again, not only to defer the old flower eyes, but also the treatment of chronic eye diseases such as cataract.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Carefully "sperm killers" everywhere

Carefully "sperm killers" everywhere 

  Men's Health 

In recent years, medical research found that 10% ~ 30% of infertility is caused by drugs. 
"Killer" on the 1st: antiulcer drugs 
Fenpropathrin microphone piperidyl, Tagamet and other anti-ulcer drug, suppresses both male and female sexual desire, can be caused by men and women and male impotence. 
"Killer" on the 2nd: antibiotic family 
Erythromycin, spiramycin, etc. Midecamycin macrocyclic antibiotics with lipids, the organic cause testicular cells to split the frequency reduced by anti-sperm, killing, survival significantly decreased sperm motility. 
Large-scale use of gentamicin can man sperm cells disrupted mitosis, spermatogenic cells within the lower DNA concentrations, resulting in spermatogenic stop. 
Tetracycline, newborn Nikkomycin, furan drugs and so on, have poisoned the role of gonad. 
"Killer" on the 3rd sleeping pills 
Dozens of sleeping pills are inhibited sexual desire, or even loss of sexual desire, and will enable the generation of men to reduce testosterone, erectile difficulties, not ejaculation and female menstrual disorder or amenorrhea. 
"Killer" on the 4th of antihypertensive drugs 
Compound hypotensive tablet, reserpine, methyldopa, buck-ling and other antihypertensive agents may affect erectile function, causing decreased libido, impotence, non-ejaculation, irregular menstruation. 
Other "killer" 
1, amitriptyline hydrochloride, hydrochloric acid fluorophenyl antidepressants, such as oxygen propylamine, men and women have sexual harm. 
2, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, colchicine, such as semen can be caused by reduction in the lack of sperm motility decreased, such as testicular atrophy, menstrual disorders of women can be addressed, not ovulation, amenorrhea, etc.. 
3, antisterone, thyroid agents, such as loss of libido can be caused by, irregular menstruation, ovulation and endocrine abnormalities, such as barriers. 
4, Chlordiazepoxide, atropine can cause impotence, such as commonly used. 
In addition, alcohol will make the blood level of testosterone, and make the egg, sperm damage, deformity and reduced dysplasia, activity has declined. Long-term alcohol consumption can also be caused by impotence, ejaculation, etc. do not. Therefore, regular use of wine can be caused by infertility.

Easily lead to guard against infertility sleeping position

Easily lead to guard against infertility sleeping position 

  Male infertility 

Have a lot of male friends like sleep. Prone sleep this way not only easy to oppression viscera, the respiratory impeded, on the reproductive system also has some influence. Especially for young people, more dangerous. 
First of all, the long-term oppression of the scrotum will sleep and stimulate the penis, causing frequent emission easier. Frequent emission will lead to dizziness, back pain, fatigue weakness, lack of concentration, serious, then it will also affect the normal work and life. Young people have been stimulated on the penis is sensitive, not to take this sleeping position. Also, the frequent emission should also beware of this sleeping position increase the disease. 
In addition, the scrotum is a Man "small refrigerator." It needs to maintain a constant temperature, is conducive to the generation of sperm. scrotal temperature will sleep, not easy to timely heat, so the growth of the sperm also have some influence. Fertility of young people not yet in particular to be careful. 
What kind of sleeping position to take relatively good? Generally speaking, the principle is not oppression of internal organs and is conducive to rest. Recommends men take supine sleeping position or the right place, so neither seminal oppression, nor oppressed heart (the left bit will oppress the heart), the best on the body. 
Related: male infertility four errors in life and coping 
A prerequisite for a healthy baby, must be the health of sperm and egg crystallization. However, work stress, environmental pollution and sexually transmitted diseases and other factors lead to the ability of men were planting a downward trend year by year. In recognition of the errors, as well as the living habits of male infertility is caused by completely avoidable and preventable. 
Misunderstanding 1: having children is a woman thing, fertility should not let his wife see a doctor now! Check semen examination is too cumbersome. 
In regard to women having children by taking on more responsibilities, but can not be separated from birth, "with men and women." As the male testis is the body most vulnerable to the external environment factors organs, male compatriots therefore more necessary to strengthen self-prevention. Sowing the ability of men and women of the inspection method to check fertility compared to sperm for a check-check is very convenient. 
Coping strategies: infertile couples, every man has responsibility. Her husband should first check to go to the hospital consultation. 
Misunderstanding 2: sauna, clean and in addition to hypoxia.
Fear testicular temperature, and often at a temperature higher living and working environment can inhibit sperm production. For example, regular sauna, wearing tight pants, long-term use of electric blanket, cooks, iron-smelting workers, such as the summer open-air operating temperature of environmental factors on male ability to exert a great influence planting. 
Coping strategies: to remove the adverse environment of high temperature, etc., not to deliberately create high-temperature factors. 
Three errors: "After dinner cigarette, increasingly living gods." Man smoking a significant side character. 
Harmful ingredients in tobacco can enter the blood circulation through the reproductive system, either directly or indirectly toxic effects occurred. Alignment father is concerned, smoking will not only affect the success rate of conception, and will seriously affect the quality of eggs and embryos. In addition, large numbers of long-term smokers more prone to sexual dysfunction, but also indirectly reduced fertility. Hazards of passive smoking are even more.
Coping strategies: for the next generation, not a "living gods." If the ban on smoking on people is just a call, then prepare couples want to have children, it is an order. 
Misunderstanding Four: absolutely avoid using computers and other electrical appliances, to eliminate environmental pollution. 
Most of the electromagnetic radiation from household appliances are safe. As long as the rational use of household appliances, their impact on reproductive health is very small. 
Environmental pollution is a significant drop in sperm quality, one of the culprit. Only hurt the majority of pollution on the human body through the long-term continuous exposure to various harmful factors, coupled with the accumulation of physical reasons, in order to attack them. Everyone has a resistance, it is necessary to attach importance to it, do not need to worry too much. 
Coping strategies: Differentiation awareness to minimize and prevent pollution but do not over-worried.

Old non-stop diarrhea, blood on one fill line

Old non-stop diarrhea, blood on one fill line 

Diarrhea supplement qi and blood 

Once the human body and what diseases are likely to occur. with modern saying is chronic fatigue syndrome, it has been a problem in today's medical profession. 
     Fatigue, is the root cause of many diseases. I have said many times for friends and family find the root cause them found that there were many of them are caused by fatigue. 
     Whenever the health of people, often forget the face of the earth there are diseases such thing, or that those diseases will always be someone else's, unfortunately, does not reach them. 
     A familiar friend, usually in good health, very loving, I have to remind her to learn how to rest, can not she always. 
     Last year, she bought a large villa that he won the decoration in the course of many things, such as design drawings, purchase of raw materials, supervision, etc., who are too busy every day from morning to night. A few months later, The End of the decoration, she is also tired. During the Spring Festival I went to visit her, found her pale, the entire people feel extremely tired. 
Not long after the Spring Festival, she began to diarrhea, four or five times a day, not too thin like, at the same time were very tired, do not want to do anything, and later opened her to the hospital for treatment of diarrhea of conventional drugs, but also not much effect. 
I know her in a few months after this situation. And first regardless of diarrhea, my analysis of her symptoms certainly fatigue years ago and have a great relationship. Once because the human body and what diseases are possible, like her this is the case, a simple treatment of diarrhea it is hard work. with modern saying is chronic fatigue syndrome, it has been a problem in today's medical profession. 
     Fortunately, I was very interested in the rationale for the vulnerable, is reading "Book of Changes" and "Huang Di Nei Jing", the study also have obtained small. So, I used the easy mathematical analysis, and in accordance with her birthday and symptoms of projections, and finally for her to choose a kind of food: chicken. In Chinese medicine, the chicken is the Jiapin Buqi At the same time, Sundanese chicken for wood, for her role in a better benefit. I asked her to buy a with regular method to clean after the release of small earthen pot stew slow fire, at the same time plus a few films ginseng, astragalus Health 10 grams Chenpi 12 can also be added to several dates, with sufficient quantity of water with stewed 4 ~ 5 hours, and then throw away all the dross, skim the oil slick, only to get soup, put into refrigerator storage. After three meals a day, one small bowl hot drink. After eating a chicken bought is still in accordance with the above methods into a chicken stew, insist on drinking. 
     Later she told me that a number of chicken, she ate three days in general. After eating a chicken, her diarrhea disappeared; consecutive drank three of the stewed chicken soup, she has become a strength, gas started to get better color, mental or a lot; ten chickens used after She has to return to the previous, the spirit of full state. 
      Impermanence of life, disease has roots diseases, it is necessary to fundamentally be conducted on the body have good effect.